
Friday, March 12, 2021

the trunami evacuation

                     The tsunami evacuation

Last week on Friday in the morning whaea kaiya rang the bell and everyone thought it was pal fitness…

But actually it was a tsunami evacuation. After the bell rang the teacher told us to line up outside. When we lined up outside we walked out the gate. The teacher told us we had to go up the hill, so me Peter, Touaka and Colin were talking while walking up the hill. When we got up the hill the teacher told us to line up in our classes. Then the teachers called our names and when the teachers called our names we had to sit down on the tapolines. 

When we were sitting on the tarpaulin the teachers called peoples names because the parents were picking up their kids but some kids were not getting picked up from school. Well that was happening the teachers were handing out fruit. And also Ms Evans told us  there was an earthquake coming from the Kermadec islands. After that mr picker nose man came up the hill with his truck and he had our bags. When we got our bags we had to eat our lunch.

After that me and my friends went to the tree of truth and told each other's secrets. After that I got picked up by my uncle.